Innovation and food safety
CESFAC is part of the Operational Group E-PIENSO
and we have developed our own Certified Animal Feed system
and we have developed our own Certified Animal Feed system
Operational Group E-PIENSO
Food safety is an issue of global health concern and there is an increased demand for information by the supply chain. Because of this, CESFAC has promoted several initiatives to benefit the sector.
In this sense, CESFAC is part of the E-PIENSO Operational Group to develop a technological platform for a joint food safety management system.
In this sense, CESFAC is part of the E-PIENSO Operational Group to develop a technological platform for a joint food safety management system.

E-PIENSO is based on an Analytical Database to unify of the controls of food safety systems in Spain and encourage the implementation of similar control models in other regional autonomies.
E-PIENSO platform is composed by: Spanish Feed Manufacturers Confederation (CESFAC ) the Galician Feed Compound Manufacturers Association (AGAFAC),the Feed Compound Manufacturers Association of Castilla y León (ASFACYL), Feed Compound Manufacturers Association of the Southeast of Spain (APICOSE), the Feed Compound Manufacturers Association of the Basque Country (EPEA), Association for the Control and Promotion of the Quality of Raw Materials (QUALIMAC), the private center of research Imasde Agroalimentaria SL, MIBA S. COOP., the Basque Foundation for Food Security (ELIKA) and the Interprofessional Organization of Animal Feed (INTERAL).
E-PIENSO platform is composed by: Spanish Feed Manufacturers Confederation (CESFAC ) the Galician Feed Compound Manufacturers Association (AGAFAC),the Feed Compound Manufacturers Association of Castilla y León (ASFACYL), Feed Compound Manufacturers Association of the Southeast of Spain (APICOSE), the Feed Compound Manufacturers Association of the Basque Country (EPEA), Association for the Control and Promotion of the Quality of Raw Materials (QUALIMAC), the private center of research Imasde Agroalimentaria SL, MIBA S. COOP., the Basque Foundation for Food Security (ELIKA) and the Interprofessional Organization of Animal Feed (INTERAL).
E-PIENSO, constituted on July 17, 2018, has its own website, which can be visited through the URL:
Likewise, continuing with the project, E-PIENSO has participated in the last call for the for innovation projects by operational groups of the European Association for Innovation in the field of agricultural productivity and sustainability (AEI-Agri) 2019.
Likewise, continuing with the project, E-PIENSO has participated in the last call for the for innovation projects by operational groups of the European Association for Innovation in the field of agricultural productivity and sustainability (AEI-Agri) 2019.
The development of this Operational Group is within the framework of the National Rural Development Program, financed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA) and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD). The Operative Group TECHNOLOGICAL PLATFORM FOR THE JOINT MANAGEMENT OF FOOD SECURITY IN ANIMAL NUTRITION (E-FEED), is supported by EAFRD and co-financed 100% by the European Union, with a budget of 43,163.73 €

Grupo Operativo INPULSE
The INPULSE Operational Group (Innovating to use legumes in animal feed) works to reconnect the animal feed chain in Spain, promoting the cultivation of legumes and thus reducing external dependence on protein for our livestock feed.
The INPULSE Operational Group is made up of the following members: the Coordinator of Farmers and Livestock Organizations (COAG), as the representative and coordinating entity, the Spanish Confederation of Compound Animal Feed Manufacturers (CESFAC), Agro-food Cooperatives of Aragon, the Institute for Sustainable Agriculture of the Higher Council for Scientific Research (IAS-CSIC), the Center for Research and Agrifood Technology of Aragon (CITA) and the Regional Service for Research and Agrifood Development (SERIDA). The Spanish Association of Legumes (AEL), the CARTIF Technological Center, ARS ALENDI, COVAP and the Spanish Foundation for the Development of Animal Nutrition (FEDNA) also participate as collaborating members.
The INPULSE Operational Group is made up of the following members: the Coordinator of Farmers and Livestock Organizations (COAG), as the representative and coordinating entity, the Spanish Confederation of Compound Animal Feed Manufacturers (CESFAC), Agro-food Cooperatives of Aragon, the Institute for Sustainable Agriculture of the Higher Council for Scientific Research (IAS-CSIC), the Center for Research and Agrifood Technology of Aragon (CITA) and the Regional Service for Research and Agrifood Development (SERIDA). The Spanish Association of Legumes (AEL), the CARTIF Technological Center, ARS ALENDI, COVAP and the Spanish Foundation for the Development of Animal Nutrition (FEDNA) also participate as collaborating members.

Certified animal feed
As part of our commitment in the assurance of quality food, CESFAC has developed guarantee procedures to recover the confidence of consumers. This is how the idea of creating a system of differentiated quality assurance in the manufacture of feed and premixes was createdThis system of quality assurance, the Certified Animal Feed, is under certification by entitie accredited by ENAC. The Certified Animal Feed, provides a safe animal feed for animals which benefits both the consumer and the environment. We have worked together to establish this brand that guarantees traceability, the origin of the raw materials and safely in the entire manufacturing process.

Together we have consolidated this brand, which guarantees traceability, origin of raw materials and safety in all manufacturing processes.
You can download document Brand Guarantee and Document answering questions from the certification bodies regarding the guarantee mark.
Recognized certification bodies
Recognized certification bodies: CERTICAR and Instituto de Certificación OCA.